Post-Graduate Diploma Programme "Feminist Development Economics"
The Institute of Social Studies is accepting applications for a six-week post-graduate diploma programme “Feminist Development Economics” The course will take place in The Hague, the Netherlands from the 26th May to the 8th of July 2005 This is a six-week intensive course. Participants will develop a feminist development economic analysis that complements neoclassical theory and strengthens post-Keynesian, Marxian and institutional economic theories. After an introduction into feminist economic methodology, which introduces gender into economics, the programme will focus on major topics in micro- and macroeconomics, including quantitative analyses in computer labs. Invited speakers include Professor Diane Elson. Tuition fees €2,200.00 plus living costs, with affordable student accommodation available. For more information please contact the course convenor Dr Irene van Staveren, or visit