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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

call for submissions

Race, Gender, Disability and Employment in Higher Education: Real Employment Experiences by Real People

I am soliciting submissions for an anthology tentatively titled Race,Gender, Disability and Employment in Higher Education: Real Employment Experiences by Real People, with the intention of having it published and distributed by the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) in 2007. I am specifically seeking personal stories and/or scholarly works written by and about employees with disabilities, and their employment-related experiences in higher education. Writers are requested to identify their racial/cultural backgrounds, gender, and description of their impairments when submitting works (will be included in any published bio statements), as well as their status as either current or past higher educationemployees. Tentative topics may include works addressing: Challenges; Passing (experiences related to invisibility, and/or shielding ones'identity);Coming Out (experiences related to becoming comfortable and "open"about any combination of identities); Relationships (may involve sexual orientation andother sexual experiences); Accommodations, Consequences, and Other (I am open to "other" possibilities and experiences contributors might offer). This publication has great potential to be appealing to those interested in disability studies, diversity studies, psychology, sociology and otheracademic departments as well as AHEAD Members, and the students served. To be considered for the anthology, writers are invited to submit a draft manuscript outline or proposal to the editor by May 5, 2007. Final original, unpublished manuscripts of up to 8,000 words (approximately 10 to 25 typed pages in 12-point type), double-spaced, and printed on one side of the paper are due to the editor December 1, 2007. Earlier completed submissions encouraged. Target publication date is expected to be summer 2007. Submissions must be typed as a Microsoft word document and sent electronically to the editor, along with a cover sheet with the writer's name, address, telephone number, email address, and brief biographical paragraph which includes racial/cultural identification, gender and disability diagnosis. Submissions will not be returned. Submissions and questions are to be directed to the editor, Dr. Mary Lee Vance at mvance@uwsuper.edu