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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Age and the Body SAMLA convention

Age and the Body: Special Session 2006 SAMLA Convention: 10-12 November; Charlotte, NC
Topic: Informed by recent developments in critical age studies, literary scholars have begun to reconsider how age operates through and on the body within texts. We invite submissions from all periods and genres, with topics including but not limited to:

childhood adolescence
death and dying
the prime of life
old age
plastic surgery
Viagra and other efforts to defy aging
weight loss / weight gain
the fountain of youth
performances of age.

Submission deadline: April 1, 2006

Send inquiries or submissions to Esther Godfrey at egodfrey@utk.edu .

Per SAMLA guidelines, please include the following information with your submission.
1. Panelist Name and Institution as this information should appear in the convention program.
2. Panelist Address: street, city, state, zip
3. Panelist Phone Number: area code and number
4. Panelist Email address
5. AV Equipment Request: Due to the high cost of AV equipment and the miscommunication between panelist and chair and the SAMLA office, all AV requests must be made in writing by the panelist and included with each panelist proposal to the session chair. If a panelist does not wish to have any AV equipment, this information must also be included. No completed program listing submitted by the chair will be accepted without these written AV requests by the panelists.
6. Panelist proposal, Session Title, Name

From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at http://cfp.english.upenn.edu or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj@english.upenn.edu