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Friday, May 05, 2006

Research on Women in Modern Chinese History (Vol.13, Dec 2005)

_Research on Women in Modern Chinese History_
Vol.13 (Dec 2005)
Special Issue: Transcending the Boundaries of Research on Women's History in Modern China
Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
website: http://www.sinica.edu.tw/~women
contact: cmwise@gate.sinica.edu.tw
CONTENTS:* Introduction (by Chien-ming Yu) p.i

SCHOLARLY NOTES:* Discovering Tradition through Gender: A Reflection on Women History Studies of the Ming Dynasty (by Li-yueh Lin) p.1* Literary Experience and Body Politics: Directions in the Studies of Women's Literature of the Qing (by Siao-chen Hu) p.27* To Supplement History or Rewrite History? Studies of Modern Chinese and Taiwanese Women's History in Taiwan over the Past Twenty-Five Years (by Chien-ming Yu) p.65* Women, Gender, and Others: Research on Modern Chinese Women's History in Mainland China and Hong Kong during Recent Twenty Years and Its Prospective Development (by Hon-ming Yip) p.107* What's in a Field? Women, China, History, and the "What Next?" Question (by Gail Hershatter) p.167* What's in a Field? Women, China, History, and the "What Next?" Question (by Gail Hershatter; translated by Fang-chen Yu, Yi-chun Yeh , Ya-chun Mo) p.197

SPEECH:* The Violence of the Everyday in late-Qing China (by Rebecca E. Karl; translated by Yen-wei Miao) p.217

REPORT ON RECENT TRENDS IN SCHOLARSHIP:* Women's History: Past, Present, and Future -- Reflections by Women's Historians in the United States (edited by Yen-chuan Yu; summarized and translated by Shu-ching Chang, Ying-Chih Chen, Yan-chiou Wu, Fei-yi Chang) p.245* Japanese Studies of Modern Chinese Women's History -- 2000-2005 (by Mizuyo SUDO) p.279BOOK REVIEWS:* Hu Siao-chen's Cainu cheye weimian: Contributions and Questions (by Ellen Widmer) p.295* Funu, Nuxing, Nuren and Ecriture Feminine: The Development of Chinese Feminism (by Siao-yan Peng) p.305* Modern Women in Chinese Urban Culture (by Poshek Fu) p.315