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Monday, April 18, 2005

CFP: Resources for Feminist Research



Decolonizing Spaces
Feminist negotiations of communities, territories and borders have led to various debates regarding the gendered character of spatial relations.These debates have included spatial constructions such as the public/private split; the historical and contemporary bifurcations of colony/metropole; and transnational oppositions of citizen/foreigner. More recently, some of these anti-racist, anti-colonial feminist challenges have taken shape under the name of transnationalism: as a set of concerns with migration and movement of bodies; as attention to economic globalization; as an analytic framework; as community activism. In this issue, we hope to consider: what happens when we think of space transnationally? What does this pairing do to work fighting opposition to public housing, to struggles for status and citizenship, to kiss-ins as responses to queer bashing, to First Nations land claims? We encourage submissions from community organizations, such as reports on current and upcoming strategies, and analysis of past organizing. How and where do we engage in decolonizing spaces? Where are the linkages, the border zones, the spatialized relations, the points of tension produced through the above sites? How are they constructed – socially, politically, economically, artistically, and how do they engender the spaces and the subjects who inhabit them? The Editorial Board of RFR invites submission of original manuscripts for publication; we are interested in considering the contradictions, complexities, and interdependencies of the above spatialized constructions. Topics may include, but are not limited to: *Activism in communities: new and emerging *Specific sites: neighbourhoods and communities transnationally *Diaspora: migration, travel, roots, remittances, border crossings,nostalgia *Spatial Legacies: colonial, historical, transformative *Urban identity: belonging and exclusion; producing and contesting spatial difference Urbanization and globalization *Claims to citizenship and public space (sexual, social, legal) *Disciplining public space (criminalizing homelessness; surveillance and containment)*Representing, re-imagining and reclaiming public space

Send 4 hard copies of articles, in English or French, 3000-5000 words,with a short (125 word max.) abstract and biographical note on a separate sheet, to:

University of Toronto,
252 Bloor St. West, Toronto M5S 1V6
Canada.Deadline: September 15, 2005