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Thursday, July 21, 2005

Queering East Asia in the UK: a Postgraduate Colloquium

Queering East Asia in the UK: a Postgraduate Colloquium
Centre for Women's Studies, University of York

This one-day colloquium is held for East-Asian postgraduate students and others in the UK. We invite those who are interested in gender and queer-related subjects and topics in the East Asia region- Korea, Japan,China, Taiwan and Hong Kong- and who currently study, work or live in the UK. In addition to create a space for people interested in LGBTQ issues in the East Asia region to come together and exchange ideas, we also want to hold a session at the end of the day in order to start a support network for one another. The provisional date of the colloquium is on November 26th (Saturday), to be held at King's Manor College in central York.

The proposed topics for the day are (but certainly not limited to):* Discussion Panels- any themes related to gender and LGBTQ studies in East Asia* Workshops or open discussions on various issues related to academic work, for example, the (dis)empowerment of western LGBTQ discourse in the East-Asian countries, difficulties in translations or translatability of East-Asian cultures, societies and other specifics etc.* Presentation of Postgraduate students' work-in-progress* Sharing of ideas, perspectives and studying sources, intellectual tips and suggestions to help address existing problems or difficulties

Please feel very free to contact
Terri He (tch500@york.ac.uk or Yi-han Wang (yw500@york.ac.uk to find out more about the conference as well as discuss ideas for proposed panels/papers/sessions for the day.

Deadline: 28 Oct. 2005
Conference Language: English

Call for articles for _Gender & History_

Call for articles for _Gender & History_

Special Issue on gender / chronology /periodisation
Publication Deadline: 2006-10-01

This Special Issue of the journal _Gender &History_ will bring together articles on *any geographical area* and * any historical period* that explore aspects of the following questions:

# In what ways did gender function as a force for continuity and change in the past?
# How does an examination of gendered concepts and practices challenge widely accepted chronologies and conventional periodisation?
# What alternative narratives of change over time are suggested by attending to gender?

Deadline for abstracts: 1 September 2005.

Please send an 500 word abstract as an attached file in Word or rich text format to Drs Alex Shepard on ajs45@cam.ac.uk and Garthine Walker on walkergm@cardiff.ac.uk .

Deadline for complete articles of 9,000 words: 1 October 2006.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Conference

Call for Papers
11th Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Conference
Ourimbah Campus, University of Newcastle

30 September 2005

Keynote Speaker: Professor Lyndall Ryan

Papers on the theme *Gender and Social Change : Representation, Analyses, Activisms

You are invited for the 11th annual Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Conference to be held at the Ourimbah Campus of the University of Newcastle. Papers can be in any discipline or cross-disciplinary in nature, and postgraduate students are encouraged to participate.

Proposals for Papers should consist of a 200 word abstract and a short 50-100 word biography. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is June 30 2005 Abstracts to be sent to Dr Bethne Hart, Ph 02 43484054, Bethne.Hart@newcastle.edu.au Dr Marguerite Johnson, Ph 02 43484058, Marguerite.Johnson@newcastle.edu.au School of Humanities, University of Newcastle PO Box 127 Ourimbah 2258 NSW Australia.

European Journal of Women's Studies

Please note that a new issue of European Journal of Women's Studies has been made available. (1 August 2005; Vol. 12, No. 3)

for details, see http://ejw.sagepub.com/content/vol12/issue3/?etoc

Feminist Pedagogies in Action

Call for Papers, Anthology –
Feminist Pedagogies in Action: Teaching Beyond Disciplines

Maralee Mayberry (Sociology, University of South Florida)
Sara L. Crawley (Women’s Studies, University of South Florida)
Jennifer Lewis (Chemical Education, University of South Florida)

We invite contributions for the edited collection “Feminist Pedagogies in
Action: Teaching Beyond Disciplines

This collection is a companion volume to Meeting the Challenge: Innovative
Feminist Pedagogies in Action (Mayberry & Rose, Routledge, 1999). Meeting
the Challenge focused its attention on applications of feminist pedagogies
within a variety of academic disciplines. Over the last five years, major
disciplinary shifts have resulted in an increased awareness of the
importance of providing students with interdisciplinary knowledge. In
addition, increasing numbers of graduate programs in the sciences, social
sciences, and humanities are implementing “graduate teacher training programs”
to provide students with an understanding of educational practices and
approaches. In light of these developments, we shift the focus with this
collection of essays, Feminist Pedagogies in Action: Teaching Beyond
Disciplines. This collection seeks to mainstream feminist pedagogies by
making them applicable across disciplines and create a community of
practitioners of feminist pedagogy who are able to speak with each other
regardless of discipline. That is, the essays will speak to pedagogical
issues that transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries. Routledge is very
interested in publishing this collection.

We invite clearly-written 1 to 2 page abstracts which speak to one of the

All abstracts must be received via electronic file no later than August 1,
2005. Submissions should be sent to _mayberry@cas.usf.edu_
(mailto: mayberry@cas.usf.edu ).
We encourage prospective authors to contact the editors with questions about
submissions. Authors whose abstracts are selected for the collection will be
notified by August 15th and encouraged to submit a complete chapter of no more
than 3500 words (including footnotes) by December 1, 2005.

International conference on gender equity in universities

2006 ATN WEXDEV International Conference
Change in Climate: Prospects for Gender Equity in Universities

Stamford Plaza, Adelaide, South Australia, 11-13 April 2006

The Australian Technology Network is an influential alliance of five
distinctive and prominent Australian universities located in each
mainland state. In 1996 they launched the Women's Executive Development
Program (ATN WEXDEV) to support women in senior positions in their

We now invite submission of abstracts to be presented at a 2006
International Conference on Gender Equity in Universities, sponsored by
the Australian Technology Network (ATN) Women's Executive Development
Program (WEXDEV). It is designed for academics, administrators, equity
practitioners and researchers.

For further information please visit the conference secretariat

website http://www.uts.edu.au/oth/wexdev

Call for articles on "Mixed Race, Hybrid, Transnational: Writing Lives in National and Global Frames."

Call for submission of articles for a special issue of _Life Writing_ on
"Mixed Race, Hybrid, Transnational: Writing Lives in National and Global Frames"

The editors invite articles that theorize and read mixed race, hybrid, and transnational subjects represented in all forms of life writing—autobiography, memoir, biography, diaries, letters, autobiographical novels, other forms of creative non-fiction, and more. We are open to new research on hybridity, multiple subjectivities, interculturalism, flexible citizenships, and all forms of crossings and overlapping identities and narratives, and are particularly interested in studies that recuperate historical and neglected texts and that move their interpretative perimeters to include experimental and mixed life writing genres. Counter-academic and creative non-fiction work on these subjects will be considered for the "Reflections" section of this special issue. We welcome submissions from diverse territories in the Americas, Africa and the Middle East, Asia, Pacific-Oceania, and Europe. All articles will be peer-reviewed. Please send submissions to guest-editor Shirley Geok-lin Lim (slim@english.ucsb.edu) or associate guest-editor Caroline Hong (carolhong@umail.ucsb.edu), at Department of English, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106, U.S.A., by December 30, 2005, for a publication date of September 2006.

Culture Lines: Emerging Research on Ethno-Racial Boundaries

Culture Lines: Emerging Research on Ethno-Racial Boundaries

November 4-5, 2005

An Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference Sponsored by the Committee for Ethnic Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

This national conference will bring together graduate students from the social sciences and the humanities who research ethnic, racial, and cultural boundaries. Sessions will be organized thematically to allow comparisons of boundaries from diverse regions and historical periods, as well as different disciplinary approaches. With this conference, we aim to shift attention toward the dynamics of boundaries: how they are created, imposed, defended, bridged, subverted, and transformed. Possible themes might include: Properties of boundaries: permeability, permanence, salience, etc. Boundary processes: exclusion, bridging, imposition, etc. Historical research on racial and ethnic formations over time. Ethnographic findings on how boundaries are negotiated in everyday life. Boundaries in cultural production and reception: contesting authenticity, dynamics of collaboration and competition, etc. Imagery of boundaries in cultural artifacts and performance How boundaries operate in the expression of collective identity, through cultural and linguistic practices. Keynote Speaker: Fredrik Barth, Department of Anthropology, University of Oslo Faculty Sponsor: Michele Lamont, Department of Sociology, HarvardUniversity

All graduate students in accredited AM or PhD programs are invited to submit titled abstracts of no more than 300 words to no later than August 1. For more information, please visit the conference website at http://www.wjh.harvard.edu/boundaries.