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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Call for Papers for the Conference on Gender Equity Education in the Asia-Pacific Region

Challenges and Possibilities in Gender Equity Education: The Second International Conference in the Asia-Pacific Region
June 22-24, 2006
Hong Kong Institute of Education, Taipo, Hong Kong


The Second International Conference on Gender Equity Education in the Asia-Pacific Region will be held at the Hong Kong Institute ofEducation, 22 – 24 June 2006. This follows from the huge success of the First International Conference hosted by National Taiwan University in December, 2004. You are invited to attend this conference on the ‘Challenges and Possibilities in Gender Equity Education’. In an era where the forces of globalization continuously restructure the educational landscape, and where great social transformations in men’s and women’s lives are witnessed, we are committed to upholding and enhancing the principle of gender equity in education – a global core value. In this conference, scholars, educators, programme administrators, non-governmental organization representatives and students from different countries in the Asia-Pacific region are brought together to share their thoughts, research findings and experiences on issues related to gender equity education, as well as any emerging strategies and pedagogies that we can learn from each other.

Proposals for papers, panels or workshops and demonstrations must be typed and submitted to arrive on or before 31 November, 2005 by email, facsimile, or post to the following:

Organizing Committee of the Gender Equity Education Conference
c/o Miss Beatrice Lam
Department of Educational Psychology, Counselling and Learning Needs,
The Hong Kong Institute of Education,
10 Lo Ping Road
Tai Po
The New Territories
Hong Kong SAR, China.
Fax: (852) 2948-7794

Email: geec@ied.edu.hk