Women and Gender in Chinese Studies Network

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

EACS link for submitting panels

Dear Colleagues,

Good news! There is now a link for submitting panels for the EACS conference. Please use the following link on the homepage.

Denise Gimpel

Online Forum: Women in Asia

Online Forum: Women in Asia
From: Kristin Lehner klehner@gmu.edu

The Center for History and New Media (CHNM) at George Mason University is happy to announce that our website Women in World History (http://chnm.gmu.edu/wwh/) will host the fourth in its series of four month-long online forums in March 2006. These forums give world history teachers the chance to talk about ways to teach issues surrounding women and gender in world history, and how to access classroom resources, including online primary sources. An educator with high school classroom experience and a historian moderates each forum. Each forum is an accessible email listserv that allows all participants to post comments and see all responses. Our fourth forum begins March 1: Women in Asia, moderated by DorothyKo (Barnard College) and Kurt Waters (Virginia Public Schools).
To register for the Women in Asia forum:
Subscribe (join) via e-mail:
1. Address an e-mail message to listserv@listserv.gmu.edu
2. Put the following in the body of the message: subscribe WOMENINASIA-L yourfirstname yourlastname
A confirmation message will be sent to your e-mail address asking you to confirm your subscription request. You must reply to this message with "ok" in the body of the message. Leave the subject unchanged. Once you have subscribed to the list, you can post messages to the list by sending e-mail to WOMENINASIA-L@listserv.gmu.edu For more information see http://chnm.gmu.edu/wwh/forum.html
For help registering contact wwh@chnm.gmu.edu

Call for Papers: Catastrophe and Representation

FACS Literary Journal
Florida Atlantic University Comparative Studies literary journal

Call for Papers: Catastrophe and Representation
Images of catastrophe increasingly assault us through the media. The world is reeling from the effects of war, natural disasters, famine, and disease. Violence - natural and unnatural - has become a standard motif in contemporary storytelling, cultural documentation and sociopolitical reportage. How, then, is such representation captured and characterized? What is being said and unsaid, and why? Is catastrophe a comparative experience?

The editors of the Florida Atlantic Comparative Studies literary journal invite submissions on any aspect of this topic for its Fall 2006 edition. Deadline for submissions has been extended to March 1, 2006. FACS is an interdisciplinary journal providing a forum for comparative study in the arts, humanities, language, culture and social sciences.

Possible topics include but are not limited to exploring representations of catastrophe as:
- natural and unnatural
- public and private
- iconic/symbolic
- identity (gender, race, class)
- performance
- literary critique
- media art
- rhetoric and communications
- discovery
- socio-political commentary
- synchronic / diachronic interpretation

Papers should be no more than 25 pages or approximately 7,000 words, and should follow the most recent MLA guidelines. A separate title page should include the author's name and address. The author's name should not appear on the manuscript pages to allow for blind review.

Send two hard copies and a CD of the manuscript to:
FACS Editor
Department of Languages and Linguistics
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road
P.O. Box 3091
Boca Raton, FL 33341-0991

E-mail submissions should be sent to facs_at_fau.edu . All electronic versions should be submitted in Microsoft Word.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

NAN NÜ: Men, Women and Gender in China

NAN NÜ: Men, Women and Gender in China

Members of the WAGnet should be pleased to learn that the costs of individual subscriptions to NAN NÜ have been considerably reduced. The publisher Brill now offers an individual subscription, beginning with volume 8 (2006) at either US$59 or EUR 47. For further info, please see the Brill website: http://www.brill.nl/

The second issue of 2005 was a theme number, under the editorship of Angela Leung (Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica). The contents of that issue are:

CONTENTS NAN NÜ 7.2 (2005)
Special Theme Issue Medicine for Women in Imperial China

Harriet T. ZURNDORFER "Foreword"......................................109
Angela Ki Che LEUNG "Recent Trends in the Study of Medicine for Women in Imperial China....110
Robin D.S. YATES "Medicine for Women in Early China: A Preliminary Survey"...........................127
Sabine WILMS "'Ten Times More Difficult to Treat': Female Bodies in Medical Texts from Early Imperial China .........182
Jen-der LEE "Childbirth in Early Imperial China"......216
Review ArticleMarta E. HANSON "Depleted Men, Emotional Women: Gender and Medicine in the Ming Dynasty"...........287

Book Review
ZHANG Zhibian, Gudai Zhongyi fuchanke jibingshi (Ricardo Kingsang MAK).................................305
Charlotte FURTH "Bibliography of Secondary Sources on Medicine and Gender: Early Imperial China"........................309

Volume 6 (2004)

This issue will also be printed as a separate book, available for purchase in 2006 from Brill's.

CONTENTS NAN NÜ 8.1 (2006) [due out in April, 2006]

James CAHILL "Paintings Done for Women in Ming Qing China?" [This article features 10 Color (!) plates, plus 14black and white images.]
Josephine CHIU-DUKE "Mothers and the Well-Being of the State in Tang China"
Steven MILES "Strange Encounters on the Cantonese Frontier: Region and Gender in Kuang Lu's (1604-50) Chiya"
Paul BAILEY "'Women Behaving Badly': Crime, Transgressive Behavior and Gender in Early Twentieth Century China"

Book reviews by Allan Barr, I-Hsien Wu, Andy Schonenbaum, Maram Epstein, Xiaorong LI, and Susan GLOSSER.