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Sunday, August 28, 2005

TOC: Nan Nu: Men, Women, and Gender in China 7.1

Nan Nu: Men, Women, and Gender in China vol. 7 no. 1 (April 2005)


"Engendering Heroism: Ming-Qing Women's Song Lyrics to the Tune Man Jiang Hong" by Li, Xiaorong 1-39 (39)

Abstract: The heroic lyric had long been a masculine symbolic space linked with the male social world of career and achievement. However, the participation of a critical mass of Ming-Qing women lyricists, whose gendered consciousness played a role in their textual production, complicated the issue. This paper examines how women crossed gender boundaries to appropriate masculine poetics, particularly within the dimension of the heroic lyric to the tune Man jiang hong, to voice their reflections on larger historical circumstances as well as women's gender roles in their society.

"The Seduction of Authenticity: 'The Story of Yingying' "by Luo, Manling 40-70 (31)

Abstract: This paper explores the notion of authenticity and its implications in the Tang classical tale "The Story of Yingying" from the perspective of literati discourse formation. By constructing a problematic "authentic" romance and its public, the story succeeds in turning romance into a "reality." Signifying the symbolic entry of romance into the domestic space, the story reveals sophisticated strategies for adapting, validating, and expanding the Tang literati discourse on romance.

"Rethinking van Gulik Again" by Furth, Charlotte 71-78 (8)

"Van Gulik's Sexual Life in Ancient China and The Matter of Homosexuality" by Hinsch, Bret 79-91 (13)

Book Reviews 92-105 (14)