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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Call for papers: Gender Equity Education Conference in the Asia-Pacific Region


The Second International Conference on Gender Equity Education in the Asia-Pacific Region will be held at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, 22 to 24 June 2006. This follows from the huge success of the First International Conference hosted by National Taiwan University in December, 2004. You are invited to attend this conference on the 'Challenges and Possibilities in Gender Equity Education'.

Proposals for papers, panels or workshops and demonstrations must be typed and submitted to arrive on or before 31 November, 2005 by email, facsimile, or post to the following:
Organizing Committee of the Gender Equity Education Conference
c/o Miss Beatrice Lam
Department of Educational Psychology, Counselling and Learning Needs,
The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, The New Territories, Hong Kong SAR, China.
Fax: (852) 2948-7794 Email: geec@ied.edu.hk

Proposals will be peer reviewed, and notification of acceptance will be sent by email/post by early January in 2006. Full papers should be submitted on or before mid April 2006. Do not submit the full paper until acceptance has been confirmed. Each proposal should be 300-500 words in length. The title of the presentation, the name(s) of the presenter(s), the position or title of the presenter(s), the institution or affiliated organization of the presenter(s), with its address, and correspondence information must appear in the submitted document. Presenters should also highlight the desired sub-theme(s) they expect their submissions to address. Papers should be submitted in English or Chinese.

All proposals will be peer reviewed anonymously. General inquiries regarding the conference can be addressed to the Organizing Committee of the Gender Equity Education Conference by email or by phone (852-2948-8562). Further information will be found on the conference website by the end of November.