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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Call for papers: Gender Equity Education Conference in the Asia-Pacific Region


The Second International Conference on Gender Equity Education in the Asia-Pacific Region will be held at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, 22 to 24 June 2006. This follows from the huge success of the First International Conference hosted by National Taiwan University in December, 2004. You are invited to attend this conference on the 'Challenges and Possibilities in Gender Equity Education'.

Proposals for papers, panels or workshops and demonstrations must be typed and submitted to arrive on or before 31 November, 2005 by email, facsimile, or post to the following:
Organizing Committee of the Gender Equity Education Conference
c/o Miss Beatrice Lam
Department of Educational Psychology, Counselling and Learning Needs,
The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, The New Territories, Hong Kong SAR, China.
Fax: (852) 2948-7794 Email: geec@ied.edu.hk

Proposals will be peer reviewed, and notification of acceptance will be sent by email/post by early January in 2006. Full papers should be submitted on or before mid April 2006. Do not submit the full paper until acceptance has been confirmed. Each proposal should be 300-500 words in length. The title of the presentation, the name(s) of the presenter(s), the position or title of the presenter(s), the institution or affiliated organization of the presenter(s), with its address, and correspondence information must appear in the submitted document. Presenters should also highlight the desired sub-theme(s) they expect their submissions to address. Papers should be submitted in English or Chinese.

All proposals will be peer reviewed anonymously. General inquiries regarding the conference can be addressed to the Organizing Committee of the Gender Equity Education Conference by email or by phone (852-2948-8562). Further information will be found on the conference website by the end of November.

Working-Class Studies and Women's Studies

Call for Proposals
National Women’s Studies Association Conference (Oakland, CA; June 15th-18th, 2006)__________________________________________________________________
On behalf of the newly-formed Working-Class Studies Association, I am soliciting proposals for a panel on the intersections of Working-Class Studies and Women’s Studies. Suggested topics:
--Teaching working-class students in Women’s Studies
--Perspectives of Women’s Studies practitioners from working-classbackgrounds
--Incorporating working-class texts and perspectives into the WSclassroom
--Emphasizing the place and nature of class in a race/class/gender analytical framework
--Feminist perspectives on theories of social class

If you are interested, please e-mail complete contact information and a brief (1-2 page) abstract to Christie Launius claunius@aug.edu by October 24th, 2005.

For information about the Working-Class Studies Association, visit http://naples.cc.sunysb.edu/CAS/wcm.nsf/pages/wcsa
Information about NWSA is available at www.nwsa.org

CFP: Women & Political Leadership Research Conference

Women & Political Leadership Research Conference
Women & Politics Institute, American University

Dates: April 7-8, 2006

Call for Papers
Deadline: November 4, 2005
Location: American University, Washington DC
Website: http://wandp.american.edu/

The Women & Politics Institute at American University is hosting its first annual Women and Political Leadership Research Conference Friday April 7 - Saturday April 8, 2006. The purpose of this conference is to begin to address the theoretical and empirical research gap on the relationship between gender and political leadership. While there have been many studies on women and leadership in general, and women in business and managerial leadership specifically, there has been less political science research focused on questions about women and political leadership. How does political leadership differ from other types of leadership and how is gender significant in our understanding and execution of political leadership? This conference will bring together academics to begin to more seriously address questions about women and political leadership. The scholarship will focus on six broad areas including (1) theories of women and political leadership; (2) the significance of racial differences between women leaders; (3) women and leadership of political interest groups; (4) women and leadership of political parties; (5) gender and legislative leadership: agenda setting, perspectives and style; and, (6) challenges to women and executive leadership. We are calling for paper proposals addressing issues in these six areas. Abstracts of 200-250 words should be emailed to wandp@american.edu by Friday November 4, 2005. Conference participants will be selected by Monday November 21, 2005. If you have any questions, please contact the Women & Politics's Associate Director, Sarah E. Brewer, Ph.D. at sbrewer@american.edu or 202-885-3103.

Professor Shelley Tremain
Department of Philosophy
University of Toronto at Mississauga
3359 Mississauga Road N.
Ontario, Canada L5L 1C6

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Gender Seminars at the Chinese University in HK

Co-presented by Gender Studies Programme & Gender Research Centre
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Contact: genderstudies@cuhk.edu.hk

19 Oct 2005
"Why do Hong Kong men keep a Chinese mistress?"
by Dr. Maria Tam (Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Anthropology, CUHK)

2 Nov 2005
"Beauty and men"
by Dr. Anthony Fung (Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK)

16 Nov 2005
"Poverty and men"
by Dr. Wong Hung (Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, CUHK)

30 Nov 2005
"Reawakening male sexual desire in low-sex and no-sex marriages"
by Mr. Jonathan Wong (Certified Sex Counsellor, Rehabaid Centre)

Time:12:30-2:00 p.m.
Venue: Room 401
Humanities Building
New Asia College

Please feel free to bring your lunch to eat during the talk

All interested are welcomed!

For enquiries, please contact Ms. Judy Tsui at 2609 7679 or via email genderstudies@cuhk.edu.hk

Position: Gender Studies

Position: Gender Studies, Assistant Professor, Indiana University


From: H-Net

Job Guide: Indiana University - Bloomington - Assistant Professor, Gender Studies

Location: Indiana, United States

Institution Type: College/University

Position Type: Assistant Professor

Submitted: Wednesday, September 14th, 2005

for more information, see the website: http://www.indiana.edu/~gender

Call for Papers for the Conference on Gender Equity Education in the Asia-Pacific Region

Challenges and Possibilities in Gender Equity Education: The Second International Conference in the Asia-Pacific Region
June 22-24, 2006
Hong Kong Institute of Education, Taipo, Hong Kong


The Second International Conference on Gender Equity Education in the Asia-Pacific Region will be held at the Hong Kong Institute ofEducation, 22 – 24 June 2006. This follows from the huge success of the First International Conference hosted by National Taiwan University in December, 2004. You are invited to attend this conference on the ‘Challenges and Possibilities in Gender Equity Education’. In an era where the forces of globalization continuously restructure the educational landscape, and where great social transformations in men’s and women’s lives are witnessed, we are committed to upholding and enhancing the principle of gender equity in education – a global core value. In this conference, scholars, educators, programme administrators, non-governmental organization representatives and students from different countries in the Asia-Pacific region are brought together to share their thoughts, research findings and experiences on issues related to gender equity education, as well as any emerging strategies and pedagogies that we can learn from each other.

Proposals for papers, panels or workshops and demonstrations must be typed and submitted to arrive on or before 31 November, 2005 by email, facsimile, or post to the following:

Organizing Committee of the Gender Equity Education Conference
c/o Miss Beatrice Lam
Department of Educational Psychology, Counselling and Learning Needs,
The Hong Kong Institute of Education,
10 Lo Ping Road
Tai Po
The New Territories
Hong Kong SAR, China.
Fax: (852) 2948-7794

Email: geec@ied.edu.hk

Article in _Gender & Society_


Gender & Society, Vol. 19, No. 5, 581-600 (2005)

2005 Sociologists for Women in Society

Article: "The Gendered Rice Bowl: The Sexual Politics of Service Work in Urban China"
By Amy Hanser (University of British Columbia)

Abstract: This article examines new conceptions of gender and sexuality in China, asking how and why they have become so integral to the organization of service work regimes there. Drawing on ethnographic data collected in three urban Chinese retail settings, this article demonstrates how essentialized conceptions of gender and sexuality powerfully communicate class distinctions in service settings through associations with the imagery of China's shift from socialism to a marketized society. A shift from the socialist "iron rice bowl" to the "rice bowl of youth" infuses youthful, feminine, urban bodies with value while simultaneously devaluing middle-aged and rural women. This article argues that an essentializing discourse of gender legitimates new inequalities in urban China by masking the class distinctions simultaneously produced.

Key Words: gender, sexuality, class, service work, China


Women's World-Wide Web FREE Monthly Webzine www.aviva.org

Press Release October 2005*

Iran: Death Penalty for 19 Year Old WomanSudan: Abduction, Torture, Rape of Women & Girls

Preventable Maternal Deaths Reach 585,000 A YearUN Summit: Members Fall Short of Goals

AFRICA NEWS: General: Malaria: Major Cause of Maternal DeathsNigeria: 1/3 of Women Suffer Domestic Abuse

ASIA NEWS: General: National Laws Contribute to TraffickingChina: State Policy: Re-Education Through Torture

AUSTRALASIA NEWS:Australia: Fathers' Rights May Jeopardise Children's Safety

EUROPE NEWS: Portugal: Parliament to Hold Referendum on Abortion Russia: Declining Population Critical

MIDDLE EAST NEWS:General: Palestinian Babies Dying at Checkpoints UAE: Domestic Worker to be Flogged for Pregnancy

NORTH AMERICAN NEWS:US: Bush Continues to Withhold UNPFA Funding US: Hollywood Promotes Unhealthy Sexual Practices

LATIN AMERICAN NEWS:Mexico: Clinics Required to Stock 'Morning After' Pills Brazil: March of the Excluded Denounces Inequalities

Two new job opportunities

1. _____________________________

The School of Languages, Cultures and Religions wishes to appoint a temporaryLecturer in Religion from 1 January 2006 – 30 June 2007. Religion at Stirling was rated 5 in the last RAE. The School would particularly welcome applications from candidates with a proven track record of research in Islamic studies or other non-Christian Asian orAfrican religious traditions. Knowledge of Arabic, Sanskrit or other relevant languages and the ability to complement the current profile within the critical study of Religion would be an advantage. Candidates will be expected to contribute to undergraduate teaching in Religion, and in a highly integrated School with a strong collective ethos will also have the opportunity to contribute to collaborative teaching and research, and to the further development of postgraduate activities. Informal enquiries to Dr Karl Leydecker, Head of School, tel: 01786 467551; e-mail: kg11@stir.ac.uk .

For more information on Religion in Stirling, please visit http://www.religion.stir.ac.uk/ and the School website at http://www.modlang.stir.ac.uk
Further particulars are available from the HR Office, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA, Tel 01786 467028, fax 01786 466155 or email hr-services@stir.ac.uk
Closing date for applications is Wednesday 19 October 2005.

Please Quote Reference Number: 8177/4020.www.hr-services.stir.ac.uk

Tenure Track joint appointment in Transnational Gender History

The Women and Gender Studies Institute and the History Department at the University of Toronto invite applications for a tenure-track joint appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor in Transnational Gender History. The majority of the appointment (51%) is at the Women and Gender Studies Institute, and the History Department is the second home (49%). The History portion of the appointment will support courses in History and Sexual Diversity Studies. We are looking for a theoretically and interdisciplinary engaged historian with strength in feminist theory. Geographic focus is open; we are particularly interested in scholars working on the 19th and 20th centuries, who engage with such themes as postcolonial studies, cultural studies, science studies, diaspora studies, and sexuality studies through historical methodologies. Applicants must have a Ph.D. and a record of excellence in teaching and research. Duties consist of research and teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels. Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications.

Applications should be sent to:
Professor Shahrzad Mojab
Director, Women and Gender Studies Institute
40 Willcocks Street
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 1C6.

Applications should include- curriculum vitae,- a letter outlining current and future research interests and discussing the contribution the applicant would plan to make to Women and Gender Studies and to History,- ONE writing sample (e.g., an article offprint or conference paper),- and materials relevant to teaching experience (e.g., course outlines, course handouts, or student evaluations).- Three letters of reference should be sent directly to Professor Mojab. All materials must be received by November 30, 2005. The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from visible minority group members, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, members of sexual minority groups, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. The University of Toronto offers the opportunity to teach, conduct research, and live in a diverse urban area with a strong international presence.